U.S. Moo Do Academy

Little Turtles Korean Karate

Mrs. Stacey Barnard, Little Turtles Program Director, the growing Little Turtles group, and two of her student helpers.

The U.S. Moo Do Academy team loves training with students of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities and we strive to accommodate all student needs. The Little Turtles Korean Karate program was created to fill one of those needs.

Little Turtles is a martial arts program specifically designed for children ages 4 to 8. In this program, students will learn all our standard Korean Karate (another name for Taekwondo used when Taekwondo first hit the mainstream in the 1960s) teachings and techniques, but at a slower, more deliberate, and digestible pace. The program breaks down each skill into palatable portions that young children can easily focus on and learn. Instead of our standard testing schedule every 12 weeks, our Little Turtles will have micro tests every 6 to 8 weeks focusing only on a few select skills. Little Turtles allows young students to achieve all the benefits martial arts provides but at a pace suited for them. U.S. Moo Do Academy’s Little Turtle program is now open for enrollment.

Class Schedule:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM